Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Saving Guranteed Money at the Gas Pump

Let’s face it, in today’s world, the gas prices stink and while you would think there would be some sort of alternative by now, there isn’t! Why could this be? Only one could speculate on why there isn’t an alternative but in the meantime, it looks like you and I will have to pay those awful prices that have surpassed the four dollar a gallon mark. Finding cheap gas isn’t hard and even though you probably will save a few cents per gallon, it all adds up and I’m going to show you today on how you can get cheaper gas guaranteed.
Paying cash at the pump
Paying cash only at the pump is a new phenomenon at a lot of gas stations around America. States like Arizona, Michigan, California, and Florida are all using this technique to help consumers save at the pump. Gas station owners say that you can save on average of fourteen cents per gallon. This is a nice savings figuring that if you fill up with twenty gallons, you’re going to save close to three dollars.
The reason why gas stations are resorting to the cash only technique is because of the credit card transaction fees they encounter every time you swipe your card. Instead of having to pay that fee, they would much rather have your card cold cash. The next time you’re around your area, check and see if there are cash discounts. You’ll notice that most stations will have a “cash price” on their pricing board. Keep in mind that these stations will still accept credit cards but you won’t get the discount so in the long run, cash is your friend.
Buying in discount
Some service stations around the globe are offering drivers a discounted rate if you purchase gas through the company via a contract. The way this would work would be though a contract. Each week you would meet up with the owner of the gas station owner and you would promise him that you will fill up x amount of gallons each week. You will then agree on a price and you will then fill up with those gallons throughout the week for the price you agreed on. This type of discount deal is a great way for business owners who have a fleet of vehicles. Generally, you can save anywhere from a few cents to as much as ten percent with this type of discount.
Gas credit cards
A gas card is a great way to save on gas with any consumer. A card such as the BP Visa allows you to save 10% per gallon for the first sixty days. After the sixty days, you’ll be able to save five percent per gallon for life. Make sure that you pay your bill off in full each month so that you can take advantage of these savings. This card is great for those who travel a lot. Make sure you look around and do your research on all the gas credit cards on the market.
About the Author
Find a gas credit card and more of Tom's work at FINDgascards.

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