The signs that something is wrong with your cylinder head can be white smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe. Maybe the motor won't start as easily if the cylinder head is damaged. Have you ever heard a car misfire when it is started. This is another sign of cylinder head damage. When you check the water levels in the radiator look to see if there are frothy white bubbles. Please don't do this when the motor is hot as the water will be boiling and can seriously burn you. The cylinder head can cause the radiator to crack.
What can you do about it. Well, the sooner you get it seen to by an automotive specialist, the better it is for the vehicle motor and also your hip pocket. the damaged cylinder head can cause other damage to the motor if it is left untreated which will result in a bigger bill and longer time off the road.
When you need your car everyday, imagine not having it for a week?
An automotive specialist can easily diagnose the damage and complete the repairs
Love your car? Look after the cylinder head and motor in it.
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