Friday, May 8, 2009

List Of Luxury SUV Hybrids

Luxury SUV hybrids are becoming the popular pick among car consumers nowadays. Look at the number of people opting for these cars in contrast to those who are still buying the conventional ones. The growth is staggering.
The Favorite Pick
However, just like conventional cars, there are also different variants of hybrids. Hence, among these different models there would also be the crowd favorite and as statistics reflect, that would be luxury SUV hybrids. So, as a guide, here are the best hybrid SUVs that consumers of all levels love and adore.
Pick Number One: 2008 Lexus RX 400h

According to various polls, sales records and statistics conducted by authorities, the top SUV to hit the chart would be the Lexus RX 400h. This car actually gives its owners a rare mix of sport efficacy performance along with Lexus luxury with an environmental twist. It actually ranks extremely highly among SUVs in the hybrid category and luxury midsize SUVs.
Without considering its sticker price, reviewers actually praise this luxury SUV hybrid model for its driving performance that is notable comparable to the RX 350, which is its sibling. Additionally, this is a lone pick for the fuel-efficient types, especially within the luxury SUV category.
Experts believe that this model is actually the first to offer its users an ecology-minded no-compromise alternative for users that do not want to sacrifice comfort and for the planet's sake. However, if you would consider the price, you would be better off thinking that you'll be saving the environment and not necessarily money.
This car's performance is considered to be very good along with its sleek and stylish exterior. As for interiors, you'll surely find it comfortable and pretty well equipped.
SUV Hybrid Pick Number Two: Toyota Highlander Hybrid 2008
This car is the second most favorite and best SUV in the hybrid category. This car ranks close to the top of its class since it offers a smooth ride, roomy interior and most of all a refined hybrid powertrain. Nevertheless, some experts feel that its price is too high in contrast to its non-hybrid counterpart. Additionally, it can't match the offered cargo space and sportier handling of other competitors.
Compared to its predecessor, this model is quite larger. It also sports an innovative electric-only mode so that you can improve fuel economy even more. A lot of reviewers are actually pleased with its changes. However, this luxury SUV hybrid has a price that might make you pause.
If you'll consider performance alone, this model also ranks best among the rest. This is because it offers you a very smooth ride that has a lot of power; this is considered to be a pretty rare combination considering that it's a hybrid vehicle.
However, one set-back of this luxury SUV hybrid is that its exteriors are somewhat mediocre. It lacks a bit of uniqueness and seems to simply blend in and not stand out when compared to other SUVs. Nevertheless, its interiors are much pleasing as it offers a spacious cabin compared to what others have.
Pick Number Three: Ford Escape Hybrid 2008

This SUV is very environmentally conscious yet still sports comfortable interiors and a tough exterior. Sadly it still doesn't match the overall quality or level of driving dynamics that other top-class SUVs could offer.
As for power, even though hybrids are known to have lower power, most reviewers are actually pleased with this SUV's capabilities. In fact, this vehicle's performance even ranks over the upper half of its class.
Nevertheless, handling is still not quite balanced. This drawback is said to be due to its powertrain's added weight, which is more over 250 pounds. This significantly affects the car's handling, which is also worsened by its electric power steering, which is a must for any hybrids.
As for the exterior characteristics, most people have mixed emotions on how they perceive this car. Some describe it as muscular, while other people don't really think so. On the other hand, its interiors have has significant improvements. First off, would be the car's cabin comfort along with quality. As soon as you get in, you'll observe the clean, quiet and modern cabin, which has a lot of interior room to offer. Due to these, this car became really worth it to be one of the best hybrid SUVs in the market.

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